by on April 21, 2024


Maserati – GranCabrio Folgore

Впечатлив дизајн, три мотори, 829 коњи, мамутски вртежен момент и 420 километри автономија.

Требаше да помине само нешто повеќе од еден месец Maserati да ја промовира Folgore, електричната верзија на GranCabrio. Додека донаторот испод хаубата има три литарски твин-турбо V6 Nettuno мотор со 550 коњи и 650 Nm, електричната верзија „пука“ од сила и вртежен момент. За оние што моќта во автомобилот им е најважна ќе бидат воодушевени од она што го нуди тризабецот од Модена.

Наоружан е со три електро мотори, еден на предната и два на задната оска. Ваквата поставеност овозможува погон на сите тркала, векторирање на вртежниот момент на задните тркала и комбинирана максимална моќност од 610 kW или 829 КС. Folgore испорачува повеќе од двојно вртежен момент во однос на GranCabrio, дури 1.350 Nm. Благодарение на импресивната моќност, забрзува од 0-100 км/ч за 2,8 секунди и достигнува максимална брзина од 290 км/ч.

Уште поважно за електричен супер автомобил, се најавува автономија според WLTP помеѓу 419 и 447 км. Перфромансите ги храни пакетот батерии од 92,5 kWh. Кога ќе дојде време за полнење, на располагање е способноста за брзо полнење од 270 kW што му овозможува на автомобилот да добие „храна“ за 100 км досег за само пет минути. Ако не брзате, батеријата може да се полни од 20-80% за само 18 минути. На располагање се четири различни режими на возење познати како GT, Sport, Corsa и Max Range. Corsa е најекстремна и ја ослободува целосната моќност на електромоторите.

Дизајнот е аеродинамички оптимизиран со нов преден браник и ревидирана решетка. Маркантен е мекиот покрив кој може да се спушти за 14 секунди при брзина до 50 км/ч. Покривот е достапен во пет бои, а клиентите ќе можат да нарачаат опционален дефлектор за да се минимизира ударот од ветер. Кабината се одликува со чувство на висока технологија благодарение на 12,2 инчна дигитална инструмент табла, 12,3 инчен инфозабавен систем и 8,8 инчен дисплеј за дневни контроли.

Интериерот е многу приспособлив и може да биде опремен со одржливи материјали како што е Econyl. Тоа е „регенериран најлон“, материјал кој е направен од рециклирани рибарски мрежи и итисони. И сега доаѓаме до еден куриозитет. Дознавме дека Maserati GranCabrio Folgore во Македонија ќе чини 209.000 евра. Тоа се многу пари, но поради ослободувањето на електричните возила од данокот за моторни возила,  GranCabrio Folgore ќе биде поевтин од GranCabrio Trofeo за повеќе од 69.000 евра.

Доколку се земе во предвид и дека GranCabrio Folgore испорачува 278 коњи и 700 Nm повеќе од GranCabrio Trofeo тоа е „бомбона бизнис“. Каде и како ќе ги полните батериите, тоа е друго прашање.


by on April 21, 2024


Audi S3

Откако пред околу еден месец Audi го ажурираше компактниот А3, сега без многу филозофии ги разубави и засили неговите S-верзии.

Поприлична количина детали за нив беа објавени уште порано а модификациите ги следеа останатите модели од неговото семејството така што нема некои изненадувања. Предниот дел на модернизираните хечбек и седан сега изгледаат уште подрско.

Маската и отворите за воздух во браникот станаа помасивни и имаат поголеми ќелии со шари во облик на латиничната буква L. Сличен дезен се среќава и на зголемениот дифузор на задниот браник. Целокупната светлосна опрема доби поинаков стил, а светлосниот потпис има четири опции.

Измените во внатрешноста го следат бранот корекции на стандардните  модели. Карактеристични детали за S3 се управувачот, седиштата со интегрирани наслони за глава, педалите и сребрените детали на делови од ентериерот. Кај механиката исправена е една неправда – дволитарскиот турбо агрегат е засилен од 310 на 333 коњски сили, исто колку што има и Performance верзијата  на Golf R кој досега беше помоќен од еквивалентот од Инголштат.

Седумстепениот S-Tronic менувач е задржан но неговиот одзив и брзината на менување под полно оптоварување се двојно подобрени. Сето набројано помогна Audi S3 сега да забрзува до 100 километри на час за 0,1 секунда пократко. Главната техничка новост е преносот на силата на сите четири тркала кој на задната оска место конвенционална спојка вклучува систем за распределба на вртежниот момент позајмен од RS 3.

Со негова помош возачот може по потреба да пренасочи и до 100 отсто од силата само на задните тркала, но нема дрифт режим на располагање. За комплетно унапредување на возните својства модифицирани се и ослонувањето, системот за управување и сопирачките. Корекции претрпе и цената која застана на 55.600 евра.

Gyesera & Kaveya

by on March 20, 2024


Karma – Gyesera & Kaveya


After years of existential uncertainty, Karma Automotive has begun its renaissance

The Kaveya electric coupe shown last year has now been joined by the Gyesera limousine. The very attractive and muscular design of the body, made almost entirely of carbon fiber and aluminum, shows what the expectations are from it.

The interior is modernly elegant and the performance is provided by two electric motors with 590 horsepower installed in the back. They provide acceleration to the American 60 miles per hour in 4.2 seconds and a top speed of 217 km/h, while the massive 120 kilowatt-hour batteries provide a modest 400 kilometers of autonomy. Although orders are already being received, sales will start at the end of next year at a price of about 200 thousand dollars.

Immediately after, Kaveya is expected, which will have four electric motors with 1,180 horses, for which it is easy to guess what they can do. Provisional data say acceleration to 96 kilometers per hour in less than three seconds and a maximum of 290. Since the price will certainly be high, a weaker variant with two electric motors and drive only on the rear wheels can be expected. Although the Karma Automotive company is Chinese-owned, the production of both new products will be organized in California.

Škoda Epiq

by on March 20, 2024


Škoda Epiq – City electric crossover

Škoda gave us a first look at the new city crossover, which will be called the Epiq.

The presentation of Epiq is expected next year, and the price is around 25,000 euros.

Shorter than the Kamiq by 15 centimeters, it will launch a powerful and authentic design, which will surely be transferred to the other new models of the Czech manufacturer.

The details about it are limited for the time being – they mention a range of 400 kilometers, front-wheel drive, new user-friendly technological solutions and high functionality.

The interior as it is now in fashion will be minimalist and will be dominated by durable materials.

As a turning point in Škoda's history, the Epiq will be produced in Spain, together with the other electric models of the group in this price class.

Peugeot 5008

by on March 20, 2024


Peugeot 5008

The new Peugeot 5008 is the first model to be mounted on the Stellantis mid-range platform, and will offer three powertrain versions

The third generation of the Peugeot 5008 will be launched this autumn when this seven-seater will enter the market, where it will face fierce competition. That doesn't worry Peugeot marketers much because, they say, buyers are returning to larger crossovers. This is confirmed by the official sales figures. Last year, a growth of 25 percent was observed in the segment, and it occupies a total of 14 percent of the total European market.

Moreover, the current generation of the 5008 is doing well, taking fifth place with 44,391 units sold last year. The new Peugeot 5008 is 15 centimeters longer than the current one and will stretch to a total of 4.79 meters in length placed on a 2,890 mm wheelbase. This model will be a larger version of the new compact 3008. The STLA Medium platform allows the use of combustion engines and fully electric drive.

That's why 48-volt hybrid as well as plug-in hybrid options will be offered. The former will use the revised 136bhp three-cylinder petrol engine mated to a six-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox. The model will bear the designation 5008 Hybrid 136 e-DCS6 and in an urban driving cycle it will be able to move up to 50% of the mileage on electricity. The plug-in hybrid will use a battery with increased capacity that will feed the 92 kilowatt electric motor for more than 80 km. Under the hood is a four-cylinder turbo-petrol engine of 150 horses, and the total power is 192 HP. Peugeot is fully committed to electrification, so the electric version, the e-5008, will be offered with three power levels, two battery capacities, a dual-motor performance with all-wheel drive and will have seven seats in three rows as standard.

The electricity will be stored in batteries of 73 and 98 kWh, from which three powers of 157, 170 and 237 kilowatts will be supplied. The batteries can be charged at a power of up to 160 kW, which allows for just 10 minutes of charging to drive 100 kilometers. Half an hour is enough to charge from 20% to 80% on a fast charger. The most powerful version has two engines, of which the rear one is powerful 80 kilowatts, has all-wheel drive and autonomy up to 500 km. The version with a 170 kilowatt engine is called "long range" and will have a range of 660 km. Peugeot sees great potential for the e-5008 to compete in the seven-seat electric crossover segment.

In recent years, between 230,000 and 290,000 such vehicles have been sold in the 10 largest European markets. Stylistically, the Peugeot 5008 is, understandably, very close to the 3008, but inside it gets the latest generation i-Cockpit with a 21-inch screen, more space and will be more expensive. Both models used to be minivans, and with the new generations they were transformed into crossovers, a move that was adopted by all vehicle manufacturers and turned out to be a good marketing move.

Peugeot has good arguments for the new 5008. Attractive design, relaxing interior, spaciousness, modularity and choice of drives. Regardless of the performance, an 8-year warranty is offered or 160,000 kilometers traveled, during which the battery will retain 70% of its capacity. The Peugeot 5008 will be produced in one of the brand's oldest factories in Sochaux, France.


by on March 20, 2024


Audi Q6 e-tron

After many announcements and delays, Audi presented the first electric model of the new generation.

Key to the Q6 e-tron crossover is the new platform developed together with Porsche. It should provide him with features that will set new standards in the class.

The appearance of the Audi Q6 e-tron is already familiar and slightly aggressive, with muscular accents from the e-tron GT. The front lights are divided into two parts, of which the daytime ones have an adjustable display that can be personalized with the help of sixty LED segments.

They also have three individual kits inside each taillight that can generate different graphics and even send messages to other drivers. Slightly longer than the Q5, the new crossover has a tech-focused interior filled with screens.

There are three - one for the driver, the central one and another one for the passenger. The new operating system based on Android with the help of 800 voice commands of course can manage most of the functions. The 100-kilowatt-hour batteries run at 800 volts and support a 270-kilowatt charge.

They provide an autonomy of 625 kilometers which will increase when the version with one electric motor appears. The Q6 e-tron has 387 horsepower, and the sport-oriented SQ6 has 517. With them, it accelerates to one hundred kilometers per hour in 4.3 seconds and reaches a maximum of 230.

Power regeneration capabilities are also significant – Audi engineers claim that up to 220 kilowatts can be recovered during decelerations, with the brakes not being used in 95 percent of cases.

The Q6, whose price in Germany will be 75,000 euros, will be the first electric model that Audi will produce at its parent factory in Ingolstadt. The start of deliveries is planned for autumn.


by on March 18, 2024


Volkswagen ID.3 GTX & ID.7 GTX Tourer GTX

With the joint launch of the ID.3 GTX & ID.7 GTX Tourer GTX, VW expands its range of sporty electric models

Is the GTX becoming the alter ego of the GTI? As of 2021, the most powerful models of the all-electric ID range carry the GTX label. While we're still waiting for the GTI-branded electric production car that's announced to arrive in the near future, VW is organizing a joint launch of the ID.3 GTX & ID.7 GTX Tourer GTX, models that should satisfy the appetites of all those accustomed to the benefits that the classic GTI editions offered – performance and equipment.

The compact ID.3 GTX is split into two editions. The difference is in the power. The basic model is driven by an electric motor of 282 HP, 545 Nm, "hunts" to 100 in six seconds and reaches a maximum of 180 km/h. In the ID.3 GTX Performance, the engine with the same torque develops 322 horses, overcomes the sprint in 5.6 seconds and reaches a maximum of 200 km/h, a performance better than the benchmark in the class, the Tesla Model 3.

Both models work with single-speed gearboxes and get the same 79kWh battery which is claimed to offer 600km of range and can be charged at 175kW. Each version gets suspension revisions to match the extra features and their hot performance. VW has put more effort into the interior. Hand on heart, there's no checkered fabric upholstery, but red stitching and chrome GTX lettering on the sports steering wheel, GTX logos on the sports seats and the option to upgrade to ergoActive performance seats with integrated headrests, power adjustment and adjustable thigh support are included. .

Included is a 12.9-inch touchscreen with a redesigned menu system with the ChatGPT voice assistant that VW is rolling out across its models. In just one month's time, VW is launching the ID7 wagon, and now its GTX version. The key difference between the new GTX and the standard ID.7 Tourer is in the front of the powertrain.

Supporting the model is a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 86 kWh that allows charging speeds of up to 200 kW, which allows it to be charged from 10 to 80% in less than 30 minutes. This battery provides power for two electric motors that make this the most powerful VW electric car to date. The front and rear engines combine to produce 335 hp, 54 horses more than the rear-wheel-drive ID.7 Tourer Pro.

The front electric motor can kick into action in fractions of a second depending on power needs and the driving scenario. Power is transmitted to all wheels. Although VW did not release any acceleration figures, it did not hide that the top speed is 180 km/h. A host of visual tweaks are expected to differentiate the ID.7 GTX Tourer from the regular model. These include a new honeycomb grille, high-gloss black accents and new 20-inch wheels as standard.

The changes continue at the rear with a revised diffuser, new GTX lettering and customizable 3D LED taillight clusters that include an illuminated Volkswagen badge. The cabin features ergonomically shaped seats upholstered in a combination of fabric and suede with red stitching and red GTX lettering.

Other important features include a head-up display with augmented reality, VW's new IDA voice assistance with ChatGPT integration. It also includes optional Park Assist Plus systems that enable automatic parking, and "Connected Travel Assistance" that includes lane keeping, adaptive cruise control, autonomous emergency braking and a dynamic road sign display are part of the options. Volkswagen has not yet announced pricing for the ID.7 GTX Tourer, but states that European pre-sales will begin in the spring.


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